Natalie Harris

Grade 3

Natalie Harris has over twenty years of teaching experience in elementary education both in public and private schools. She earned her undergraduate degree in the United Kingdom at the University of Central Lancashire and her MSEd in the Art of Teaching from Sarah Lawrence College. Throughout her teaching career she has taught across many grade levels, including kindergarten, first, third, fourth, and fifth. Upon her arrival at Pine Cobble Natalie was the athletic director before moving back into the classroom to teach third grade.

Natalie teaches because she wants to make a difference in students’ lives. She wants to help them develop skills to become lifelong learners and enjoy learning. She wants to help students strengthen their self-efficacy in all subjects and help them become more engaged and enjoy learning, therefore increasing their confidence in and enjoyment of their academic pursuits. She wants her students to know that they can learn and that they have support. Above all else, she wants her students to know that they are important and that they are loved!

Outside of teaching Natalie is very passionate about soccer, especially following the English Premier League. She also plays soccer in her free time and coaches local youth teams.

BS, University of Central Lancashire

MS, Sarah Lawrence College


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