Our decisions are based on both extensive international research since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the work of Harvard University’s Global Health Institute. You will see […]
We have spent the spring and summer stocking up on cleaning supplies to keep everyone on campus safe. In addition to wipes, and disinfecting spray, the school has also purchased […]
Please do not send in birthday treats or any other treats from home this year.
Updated 10/2/20 Lunch when taken outside, our medical consultant has shared that students and teachers may have their masks down as long as everyone is six feet away, or more, […]
We all understand and empathize with feelings of anxiety and will be doing all we can all day to help students feel less anxious. That involves structure to their day, […]
Yes, we have a designated isolation area for suspected cases of COVID-19. Students showing symptoms or fever will need to wait with the nurse until they are able to be […]
Everyone on campus will wear a mask while on campus. Everyone will maintain 6 ft of social distance in classrooms as set up inside as well as our outdoor classrooms. […]
Yes, beginners will be assigned cots and sleep on the same one every day. Additionally, cots will all be wiped and sanitized after each use.