Pine Cobble School Cluett Building l Williamstown, MA


We love our time in the classroom, but we really love the things that happen outside the classroom. In this section you will find all the information you need to learn about our experiences outside the classroom; athletics, arts, character education and co-curricular programs.

Pine Cobble School gives students the chance to form lasting relationships, to understand and practice leadership, to hone new talents and strengths, to discover within themselves a deep reserve of strength and purpose and to develop a sense of responsibility to others.

Before long, all of our students will enter a complex world. This world requires that they do more than use their skills and talents, they will also need to show leadership, dare to take risks, connect with others, and live caring and generous lives. That’s why student life at Pine Cobble School is multi-faceted, and all of our students are given broad opportunities to challenge themselves in novel ways.

While at Pine Cobble School, students will do more than simply learn academics. They will also play on teams, create artistic masterpieces, laugh loudly, sing boldly, perform proudly, cheer on classmates, and give their time and energy to causes greater than themselves. Here, they will find mentors and friends. They will compete in healthy ways. They will learn to trust one another.  But most important, they will learn who they are. We take our motto, Nosce Te Ipsum – know thyself – seriously. When students know who they are, what they value, and what they have to offer, they’re able to make the most of opportunities – both inside the classroom and out.